Business Analytics Integration
PRO-ACTION offers a pioneering service for Integrating all the Business Analytics Tasks that are performed in the different Units of an Organisation (or a Company) into Unified Format & standards in order to:
- Avoid Multiple Performance of the Same Task by Different Units
- Avoid Multiple Electronic Subscription Services from the Same and Different Providers
- Save Much Time & Cost for the Organization
- Provide Access to existing Reports / Knowledge / Infromation for several Units that ignored the existence of such content within other Units
- Therefore, help People in their Units to make Better and more Informative Decisions.
- Provide Competitive Advantage to the Organization to implement Better Decisions in a Short Time.
- Impose Common Standards and Global Control in the Information Used and the available Sources.
- Be able to Improve the Information, Reports, Knowledge Content over time.
To implement such a structure within the Organization there has to be done a Feasibility Study that includes:
1) Requirements Capture of the information-analysis Tasks performed within the Units of the Organisation & the currently Available Resources.
2) Requirements Structuring and Approval (by the Organization) for Changes.
3) Proposal for Changes in the Business Analytics tasks over the Units of the Organization
Thereafter the Organization could:
4) Implement Such Proposal (up to the required extent depending on its priorities)
5) Periodically Assess the Benefit of the new Structure
6) Receive feedback from the Units and People & proceed to Improvements in this Business Structure.
To perform such a Feasibility Study it is required the Cooperation with the Organizational Unit of the Customer who knows the Units and the Tasks performed by each Unit.