Credit Scoring Services

proact credit5PRO-ACTION possesses advanced know-how in Intelligent Credit Scoring Solutions.

Credit Scoring is applicable to any type of credit that can be granted to persons or corporations from a financial institution such as a Bank, an Insurance Company or an Investment Society.


Credit Scoring applies to the assessment of any type of credit applications, such as:


  • Credit Cards
  • Consumer Loans
  • Corporate Loans
  • Housing Loans
  • Overdraft facilities


Moreover, it is applicable to several types of credit assessment, such as :

PRO-ACTION co-operates in developing and managing Credit Scoring solutions, using either its proprietary software tool DECISION FORCE or any other appropriate tools and methods available in the market for the same tasks.

The biggest benefit for using DECISION FORCE (or any other system with similar model structure) in order to construct and update credit scoring models, is that the scorecards are expressed as a set of rules. Unlike additive or more mathematically complex scorecards (e.g. Neural Nets), rules are easily understandable to managers, since they explicitly detect the profile of creditworthy and non-creditworthy customers.