Project Coordination

Once a Project 279279-37622-1starts running, there are several issues that require continuous monitoring in order to ensure the regular execution and completion of the project.

Further to the classic Project Management issues (referring mainly to the technical aspects of the project execution) there are other issues that mainly involve the interactions of various people from various parties with often conflicting interests. Moreover, there are issues involving the Financing part and the Financial Structure of a Project that should be properly resolved in order to ensure the continuation and proper execution of the Project.

On the above principles, PRO-ACTION can contribute to the following services regarding project co-ordination:


  • Creation of a Project Plan
  • Monitor the progress of a Project with Respect to the Project Plan
  • Coordinate the People that are involved in the project to make sure they properly carry out what they are supposed to do.
  • Resolve Conflicts between different Parties that are involved in the Project and Negociate the best Solution to move on.
  • Resolve Conflicts that emanate from the interactions of this project with other projects.
  • Resolve Conflicts that may arise from external bodies.
  • Find out the best Financing Strategy and the best possible way to Resolve Financial Problems or Conflicts in order to ensure the regular project execution.


PRO-ACTION has carried out the above tasks in projects involving both large scale organisations and also smaller scale transactions between small companies.